“Empowering relevant actors for social inclusion at local level” IPA/OPHRD2007-2013/3.3/LOT9/04

Project Starting Date: 27 November 2011

Project End Date: 15 January 2013

Project Budget: € 149.759,00

Contractor:  Cambridge Education UK

Final Beneficiary: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Representative Associations of Local self-government, Representative Associations/ Networks of NGOs

Overall objective:

To enhance the capacities of non-governmental organizations and local self-government units in the country in the implementation of social inclusion policies.


To strengthen the skills and knowledge of non-governmental organizations and local self-government units in preparation and implementation of social inclusion projects.

Expected Results:

Output 1. The NGOs and local self-government units selected and their training needs identified;

Output 2. Training methodology, training plan, as well as teaching and training materials developed;

Output 3. At least 60 people from NGOs and 120 people from the local-self government units trained to prepare and manage social inclusion activities.

Target groups:

– Staff of the local-self-government units (no less than 120 persons)

– Staff of NGOs in the field of Social Inclusion (no less than 60)

Key project activities:

The Framework Contractor provided the following services:

Component 1. Identification of target population and training needs analysis

This component included:

– Identification and selection of the NGOs and local self-government units susceptible to prepare and/ or implement social inclusion projects.

Component 2. Development of a training plan and design of teaching and training materials and methodology for delivery of trainings tailored to the indentified training needs

This component included:

– Development of a training plan that included, amongst others: training methodology adjusted to the needs of the NGOs and local self government units, detailed time frame of

implementation, resources, etc.;

– Elaboration of the teaching and training materials.

Component 3. Implementation of the training plan for the targeted stakeholders

Trainings delivered according to the approved training plan, to:

– 60 people from NGOs from the larger number of NGOs possible;

– 120 persons from local-self government units.