Project Starting Date: 27 December 2010
Project End Date: 27 December 2012
Project Budget: € 176.618,00
Contractor: ARS Progetti Spa
Final Beneficiaries:
Operating Structure for Human Resources Development Component of IPA composed of CFCD/ Ministry of Finance and the respective IPA Units within the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP)
Global objective
To achieve effective communication of the OP HRD 2007 – 2013 in order to increase the awareness of the public regarding the EU financial assistance in the country in the field of human resources development.
Specific objectives
- Revision/ update of the Communication Action Plan for OPHRD 2007-2013, that covered activities connected to publicity/ visibility and information of the OP HRD;
- Implementation of the Detailed Plan of Communication Activities in an effective and efficient manner;
- Support to OS in terms of publicity/ visibility and communication.
Project activities
Component 1: Revise/ update the existing Communication Action Plan (CAP) for OPHRD 2007-2013
1.1 Review the existing Communication Action Plan
1.2 Revise/ update the content of the existing Communication Action Plan, developed by the Operating Structure for Human Resources Development
1.3 Develop Detailed Plan of Communication Activities
Component 2: Implementation of the Detailed Plan of Communication Activities
2.1 OPHRD Website development, testing, installation and configuration
2.2 On-the-job training for the administration and integration of contents in-house
2.3 Design of Visual Identity of the OPHRD
2.4 Design/Development and Dissemination of Communication Tools
2.5 Other Communication services or/and related services
Project outputs
Component 1:
- Communication Action Plan for OPHRD 2007-2013 revised and updated;
- Detailed Plan of Communication Activities designed.
Component 2:
- OPHRD Website fully operational;
- People from the OS trained to cope with website management;
- Training/learning material provided;
- Visual identity of OPHRD 2007-2013 developed;
- Communication content designed;
- Communication material developed, edited, printed and disseminated;
- Advertising campaign(s) designed and organized;
- Promotional events organized (at least one per year);
- Other specific communication services provided in accordance with the detailed plan of communication activities.