Project Starting Date: 18 June 2011
Project End Date: 19 April 2013
Project Budget: € 172.810,00
Contractor: ARS Progetti Spa
Final Beneficiaries:
Operating Structure for Human Resources Development Component of IPA composed of CFCD/ Ministry of Finance and the respective IPA Units within the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP)
Global objective
To improve the quality and relevance of the programming of IPA funds under Component Human Resources Development.
Specific objectives
- to design tools and conduct evaluation works in order to calculate the indicators included in the Operational Programme;
- to conduct an Interim Evaluation on the first period of implementation of the OP HRD 2007-2013.
Project activities
Task 1.1 Design a methodology for data collection of each indicator of the Operational Programme.
Task 1.2 Design methodologies of the evaluation works related to Measures 1.3 and 3.1.
Task 1.3 Conduct evaluation works (Field work related to Measures 1.3 and 3.1).
Task 1.4 Production of result indicators under Measures 1.3 and 3.1.
Component 2: Interim evaluation of OPHRD
Task 2.1 Elaboration of the methodology of the evaluation.
Task 2.2 Conducting the evaluation and presentation of first findings for comments.
Task 2.3 Preparation and presentation of the draft evaluation report.
Task 2.4 Preparation of the final evaluation report.
Project outputs
Component 1: Evaluation work
Output 1.1: Methodology for data collection of each indicator of the Operational Programme designed, including methodologies of the evaluation works for measures 1.3 and 3.1.
Output 1.2: Result indicators upon completion of the action calculated for the first three cohorts under measure 1.3 calculated and baseline for result indicators under Measure 3.1 determined, based on evaluation works.
Output 1.3 and 1.4: Result indicators upon completion of the action calculated for second three cohorts under measure 1.3 and result indicators six months after completion of the action for first three cohorts calculated, based on evaluation works.
Component 2: Interim evaluation
Output 2.1: Methodology for the interim evaluation elaborated.
Output 2.2: Draft Interim evaluation report prepared and presented for comments.
The Interim Evaluation Report followed the broad structure:
- Summary of conclusions and recommendations.
- Methodology – outlining the approach of the evaluators and including a description of the original research undertaken as well as the sources of data and information. The methodology included a statement of the evaluator’s assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation report.
- Question by question chapters.
- Conclusions.
- Recommendations.
Output 2.3: Final evaluation report submitted and approved