Period: Implementation period: 6 months
Total project budget: 118.283 EUR (global price)
Beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Science (MoES)
Implementing partners: PROMAN SA, with B&S Europe and Lattanzio Advisory
1. Introduction
Over the last 15 years Republic of Macedonia has taken serious steps for improvement and modernization of the educational system. The Multi-Annual Operational Programme “Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013” (OPHRD) is currently the most important document with reference to the current EU financial support (IPA) in the areas of education and training. Strategic objective of the OP HRD is to foster the development of human resources, in particular by improving the quantity and quality of human capital, leading to more and better jobs, higher growth and development and the increased national competitiveness at international level. The Programme is focusing on 4 priority fields: Employment; Education and Training, Social Inclusion and Technical Assistance. The field of education and training is further divided into :Investing in Human Capital through better education and training, Enhancing Synergies and links between education and Labour Market and Providing quality inclusive education for all.
In the area of better education and training and providing quality inclusive education for all, a number of initiatives and projects and programs were encouraged by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and supported by the European Commission, United Nations, World Bank, and some of them were conducted in cooperation with international organizations and foundations such as UNICEF, USAID; UNDP, FIOM, Roma Education Fund, Pestalozzi Children Foundation, the OSCE, the British Council, etc. A number of projects and programs supported by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, Finland, Austria and Japan. Because of the numerous interventions in the area of equal access to education, there is a need to ensure consistency and continuity in their implementation.
2. Objectives of the project
The global objective of this assignment is to support the process of efficient programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Operational Programme for Human Resource Development 2007 – 2013 with focus on Priority Axis 2 – Education and training – Investing in human capital through better education and training, Measure 2.2 -Providing quality inclusive education for all.
Specific objectives:
– Evaluation of provided support in the area of equal access to quality education (integrated and inclusive education);
– Analysis of the achieved results of the national strategic document “Steps towards Integrated Education in the Education System” trough analysis of the foreseen action plan;
– Advice and recommendations for the programming of the future assistance in the area of equal access to quality education and better donor coordination.
3. Project activities
The assignment is to be executed in two (2) phases:
Activity 1: Conducting evaluation of the support in the area of equal access to quality education and provision of recommendations for the future assistance and development in the area of equal access to quality education.
1.1 Mapping (November-December 2015) – this activity will focus on assessment of the previous, ongoing and planned programmes, projects, activities and other initiatives supported by EU, other international donors (bilateral and multilateral), national institutions and nongovernmental organizations, starting from the year 2007 and up to date.
1.2 Evaluation (January 2016) – will be conducted taking into consideration the following indicators: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and cross-cutting issues. It will be based on several methods, such as desk research, questionnaires for different target groups, in-depth interviews and focus groups.
Activity 2 (February-March 2016): Support to the improvement of the national strategic document “Steps towards Integrated Education in the Education System” through analysis of the foreseen action plan.
It includes a proposal for updating the national strategic document “Steps towards Integrated Education in the Education System”, a consultation event and submission of the final evaluation report and final proposal for updating the national strategic document “Steps towards Integrated Education in the Education System”.
4. Duration of the project
The project started on 15 October 2015 and will be implemented within 6 months.