Overall objective
The overall objective of the project is to provide equal access to quality education for pupils of all ethnic communities.
The purpose of the project is to support the integration of ethnic communities in the educational system.
- Assessment conducted on the level of integration of ethnic communities into the educational system.
- Curricula analyzed and updated with elements of intercultural education.
- Innovative programmes for education and training introduced.
- Teachers and directors trained on the curricula updated and on the innovative programmes introduced.
- Training of parents of Roma pupils
- Training of 30 Roma Mediators
Target groups:
- Directorate for Promotion and Development of Education on the Languages of the Ethnic Communities (Ministry of Education and Science);
- Bureau for Development of Education;
- Local Self-government Units (Education units and Commissions for inter-communal relations);
- Educational and training institutions (primary schools in ethnically mixed communities);
- Parents and pupils.
Specific activities
Component 1: Including intercultural aspects in the educational system
The following activities are planned within this component:
- Information & Methodology Workshop with the administration;
- Information Workshops with NGOs;
- Strengthening the cooperation with relevant EU & Council of Europe organizations and institutions in the fields of ethnic communities;
- Finalizing Assessment with the administration;
- Analyses of existing curricula with reference to elements of intercultural education;
- Strengthening the cooperation with relevant EU & Council of Europe organizations and institutions in the fields of intercultural education;
- Updating curricula with elements of intercultural education;
- Developing of guidelines on how to update/develop the teaching materials;
- Organizing a study visit to the relevant European institutions;
- Analyses of innovative programmes for education and training;
- Developing and updating of innovative programmes;
- Developing of guidelines to update/develop the teaching materials.
Component 2: Strengthening capacities to support integration of ethnic communities
The following activities are planned within this component:
- Training need assessment for teachers and directors of schools with reference to the curricula up-dated and the innovative programme introduced;
- Development of training plan;
- Development of training materials;
- Trainings of directors and teaching staff conducted for the implementation of the updated curricula and of the introduced innovative programmes;
- Assessment of the training needs of the parents of Roma pupils;
- Development of training plan and training materials;
- Training of Roma parents in regard to educational needs of Roma pupils;
- Assessment of the training needs of Roma mediators;
- Development of training plan and training materials;
- Training of Roma mediators.
The Directorate for Promotion and Development of Education on the Languages of the Ethnic Communities is the final beneficiary within this Twinning project. It is implemented in cooperation with the partner-Agency for European Integration and Economic Development, Republic of Austria.
Project budget: EUR
Project duration: