Project Starting Date: 11 March 2013
Project End Date: 10 March 2014
Project Budget: € 145.803,00
Contractor: HTSPE Ltd in consortium with Europe Ltd
Final Beneficiary: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP)
Overall objective:
To achieve efficient and sound management and implementation of the OPHRD in the framework of decentralized management, in accordance with the IPA Implementing Regulation and the Financing Agreement concerning the OPHRD.
- To conduct detailed assessment of the current condition in the social work centres, Employment Service Agency and State Labour Inspectorate in regards to the equipment, including identification of the needs and prioritised list of equipment to be supplied;
- To prepare technical specifications and 3 full tender dossiers related to 3 contracts for supply of equipment and assets for the social work centres, Employment Service Agency and State Labour Inspectorate in line with Practical Guide (PRAG) to contract procedures for EU External Actions and
- To support the Operating Structure during the tendering processes of the three supply projects.
Expected Results:
Activity 1 outputs:
- Review Report on the current situation in the social work centres, ESA and SLI (central and local offices) prepared;
- Updated inventory lists of the existing equipment in the relevant departments within the social work centres (under MLSP), the ESA and the SLI prepared;
- List of prioritizes equipment to be supplied to the selected institutions prepared (The equipment includes IT equipment, assets such as vehicle, furniture, etc. and in case of CSWs special tools and equipment needed for people with disabilities.);
- Report on the state of play of the existing electrical and infrastructural capacities, connections, internet with proposals for the interventions to be made for proper use and security of the equipment.
Activity 2 outputs:
- Market Analysis Study for the priority list of equipment to be supplied under the three service contracts prepared and approved;
- Estimated budget breakdown for each of the three supply tenders prepared and approved;
- Three technical specifications with division of equipment in lots for each supply tender dossier prepared and approved;
- Distribution lists of equipment for the three supply tenders (separate distribution list for each tender) prepared and approved;
- Three documents (one for each supply tender) defining the delivery and installation requirements and conditions, training requirements and after-sales services for the equipment prepared and approved;
- Three (3) full tender dossiers according to PRAG procurement rules and contracting conditions for the selected equipment upon request of the Operating Structure.
Activity 3 output:
- Witten answers to technical clarifications requested by potential tenderers during the tendering procedure prepared and submitted to the Contracting Authority for the three supply contracts separately.
Target groups:
- Employment Service Agency;
- Centres for Social Work;
- State Labour Inspectorate.
Key project activities:
The project assignment was related to provision of technical assistance for the smooth implementation of the equipment procurement processes planned in the following projects of OPHRD:
- “Modernization and adaptation of the social work centres” under the Measure 3.1: “Fostering social inclusion of people and areas at disadvantage”;
- “Support to Employment Service Agency for implementation of active labour market measures and services” under Measure 1.1 “Further development of the Employment Service Agency and enhancement of the employment conditions”;
- “Support to the fight against undeclared work” under the Measure 1.4 “From Informal to Formal”.
The following activities fall within the scope of work:
Activity 1: Conduction of detailed assessment of current situation and identification of needs
- Review of the current situation in the social work centres, ESA and SLI (central and local offices) and their administrative and organizational set up relevant to the assignment;
- Perform on-site visits and review and update inventory lists of the existing equipment in the relevant departments within the social work centres (under MLSP), ESA and the SLI;
- Identify and prioritize the equipment needs and prepare lists of equipment for the selected institutions that will support their activities and achievement of results of the three respective projects for supplying equipment and assets for CSW, ESA and SLI within the available project budget;
- Identify the state of play of the existing electrical and infrastructural capacities, connections, internet etc. for the prioritised list of equipment and based on this propose action/s to be taken for proper use and security of the equipment.
Activity 2: Preparation of technical specifications and 3 full tender dossiers for the supply contracts according to PRAG procedures
- Conduct market analysis that determines the products available, their origin, and their price range and investigate if there is a sufficient number of eligible suppliers whose product fulfils the requirements are available;
- Prepare a detailed estimated budget breakdown based on the market analysis including indicative prices, recommendations concerning the presence of open competition in the market;
- Develop a proposal for division of equipment into lots with appropriate justification, in consultation with the Operating structure (Unit for Coordination and Implementation of IPA in MLSP and the Contracting Authority);
- Develop the detailed technical specifications for the equipment, in accordance with the latest applicable version of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU External Actions.
- Prepare a detailed distribution list of equipment per institution to be included as part of the tender dossiers;
- Prepare recommendations for delivery and conditions of installation of the equipment per institution, training requirements and after-sales services;
- Prepare 3 full tender dossiers according to PRAG procurement rules and contracting conditions for the selected equipment upon request of the Operating Structure.
Activity 3: Provision of technical assistance during tendering phase