The Sector Working Group (SWG) for the ‘Education, Employment and Social Policy’ Sector is a forum for inter-ministerial cooperation with a mandate to carry out tasks at the expert level in terms of formulating and implementing national sector policies, including those relevant to EU integration, the use of donor development assistance and in particular EU IPA programmes.
As a coordinating body at the expert level for the preparation of national strategic documents and development programs in the sector (planning documents), SWG has competencies related to the formulation and implementation of national policies, as follows:
a) elaborates proposals for the content of the sector and inter-sector policies, strategies and development programmes;
b) provides monitoring and evaluation of the progress in the implementation of the Employment and Social Reform Programme (ESRP), preparation and review of the reports on the implementation and the achieved progress;
c) performing tasks related to the process of monitoring and reporting on the progress in the sector;
d) provides preparation of drafts of the relevant planning documents;
e) contributes to the identification, formulation and prioritization of development goals, measures and projects for implementation of national policies and strategies in the sector;
f) supports the work of the bodies responsible for the implementation of sector policies, strategies and programs, in an advisory function;
g) acts with the participation of partner organizations, i.e. social partners, local authorities and representative civil society organizations – as committees for monitoring the planning documents related to the sector.
In order to ensure full integration and synergy between the national policies of the Government, as well as the usage of foreign / development assistance by donors and creditors from international financial institutions and banks for the Republic of North Macedonia, SWG coordinates inter-ministerial coordination for programming, monitoring and evaluation of foreign / donor assistance, in terms of national strategies.
Additionally, regarding the work of the National Investment Committee (NIC), SWG works in accordance with the Methodology for Identification, Preparation and Selection for Financing of Sectoral Infrastructure Investment Projects adopted by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.
Also, when necessary, at the request of the Secretariat for European Affairs (SEA) or the relevant working group on the National Programme for Adoption of the Acquis Communautaire (NPAA), the SWG supports the preparation and monitoring of NPAA, or other related issues due to the integration of the Republic of North Macedonia into the EU.
More information and documents on SWG at the following link: