The IPA Monitoring Committee is a body established pursuant to Article 19 of Regulation (EU) No 447/2014 and Article 53 of the Framework Agreement concluded between the European Commission and the Republic of North Macedonia on the arrangements for implementation of Union financial assistance to the Republic of North Macedonia under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II).
During the implementation of programmes and actions pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 and to the IPA II Regulation, the Committee established pursuant to Article 19 of the IPA II Implementing Regulation shall also consider the work undertaken by sectoral monitoring committees established with to Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006, in particular regarding programmes and actions in the relevant IPA component or policy area or sector. The committee should also address related sector issues previously dealt with by the TAIB meetings and/ or Sector Monitoring sub-committees.
The Committee shall review the effectiveness, efficiency, quality, coherence, coordination and compliance of the implementation of the actions in the policy area or programme and their consistency with the relevant national and, whenever relevant, regional sector strategies. It shall measure progress in relation to achieving the objectives of the actions and their expected outputs, results and impact by means of indicators related to a baseline situation, as well as progress with regard to financial execution.
Supported by the reports provided by the Operating Structure, the Committee shall in particular:
– review the progress towards meeting the objectives, achieving the planned outputs and results, and assessing the impact and sustainability of the on-going programmes and actions while ensuring coherence with the on-going policy dialogue, the related national and regional sector strategies and multi-country and/or regional activities in the country, review the Road Maps for Sector Based Approach;
– review annual implementation reports, including financial execution of the actions, discuss state of implementation of procurement plans;
– examine relevant findings and conclusions as well as proposals for remedial follow-up actions stemming from the on-the-spot checks, monitoring and evaluations if available;
– discuss any relevant aspects of the functioning of the management and control systems;
– discuss any problematic issues and actions;
– if necessary, consider or make proposals to amend programmes and any other corrective action to ensure the achievement of the objectives of the actions and enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of IPA II assistance;
– review information, publicity, transparency, visibility and communication measures taken, in accordance with Articles 23 and 24 of the Framework Agreement;
– in case of implementation of a sector budget support operation, the committee could also serve the role of monitoring implementation of it and discuss relevant issues at stake.
The Committee is composed of representatives of relevant national authorities and bodies (SEA/NIPAC, operating structure, other relevant public agencies active in the sector), other stakeholders such as economic, social and environmental partners and, where relevant, international organisations, including international financial institutions and civil society. The Commission participates in the work of the Committee.
The representatives of stakeholders, such as civil society and private sector organisations are chosen by themselves based on the relevance of their organisation for the topics discussed and in agreement between the country and the European Commission.
Members of the Monitoring Committee:
1. National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC);
2. Representatives of the European Commission;
3. Representatives of the EU Delegation in Skopje;
4. National Authorising Officer (NAO)
5. Representatives of the Operating Structure;
6. IPA coordinators from the relevant sub-sectors;
Representatives of the following stakeholders may be invited to attend meetings of the IPA Monitoring Committee, not limited:
7. Civil society organisations (including economic bodies, social and environmental partners;
8. IPA Coordinators, Managing Authority Representatives, Ministries, Agencies, and/ or Final Beneficiaries Institutions;
9. Academia and universities;
10. International organisations;
11. IPA Audit Authority;
12. Any other body or person who may be deemed relevant for the efficient implementation of the relevant sector/ area under IPA or IPA II.