The strategic priorities are twofold: to strengthen sector policy making and to support the implementation of the national employment, education and social inclusion strategies.
This Action is grounded in the results and priorities for financial assistance as defined in the Indicative Strategy Paper 2014-2020. The Action contributes to a more inclusive and effective labour market by financing employment programmes and services, by modernising the way ESA delivers its services, by reinforcing the labour market institutions e.g. minimum wage, employment protection, gender equality and social dialogue. To improve match between skills demand and supply, the Action advances forecasting of labour market skills by competent institutions. Furthermore, the social protection system is modernised by accelerating the establishment of non-institutional social protection services for persons with disability and by delivery of integrated and targeted solutions for the most vulnerable, such as Roma. Upgrade of the quality of information in the administrative databases and cross-referencing of information from various sources are improved the statistical indicators in support of better policy making. The targeted improvements in the quality of teaching are enhanced the inclusiveness in compulsory education and the attractiveness of VET and adult education.
The overall objective of the action is to improve the effectiveness of the country’s policy in the sectors of education, employment and social inclusion.
The specific objective of the action is to reduce the high rate of unemployment, increase labour market participation, in particular of young people and women, increase access to quality education and training, improve skills matches and modernise the social protection system.
The following key performance indicators are applied to measure how the purpose is achieved:
– Number of persons in employment, including self-employment 6 months upon benefiting from employment programmes or services of this Action;
– Percentage of early leavers from education and training: percentage of population aged 18-24 with, at most, a lower secondary education and not in further education and training;
– Decreased drop-out rates (segregated data for primary, secondary-gymnasium, VET);
– Number of persons benefiting from non-institutional (alternative) community based social services;
– Trade Union density rate and Employers organisations density rate.
All the projects financed under this Action contribute for achievement of following direct expected results:
Result 1 – Strengthened sector governance, policy framework and statistics;
Result 2 – Equitable access to quality inclusive education at all levels;
Result 3 – Improved employability and access to labour market and decent work;
Result 4 – Improved quality and availability of social services.