Sector workshops “Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities”

In the period from 17 to 20 May 2017 in the Hotel Continental in Skopje, the sector workshops, covering the following topics: “Human rights of persons with disabilities”, “Start with their business creation of business plan” (3 Modules) and the workshops Communication Tool for Building Interrelations”, “Introduction to Communication Skills”, “Communication Skills, Forms and Occurrences”, “Communication Skills for a Specific Purpose “, “Through Working Communication to Better Working Hours”.

During the training, the participants got the theoretical basis for creating a business plan, the use of practical methods for developing / transferring the business ideas of the participants in the business plan, providing information on the basic legislation and the rules that refer to the work of the small and medium enterprises (legal and financial aspects of operations).

The activities are organized within the framework of the project “Pilot Action for Access to the Rights of the Work of Persons with Disabilities“, realized by partner organizations Polio Plus – Disability Movement, Macedonia and LINК Association, Mostar Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The project is financed by the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Macedonia and the CFCD / Ministry of Finance through the IPA program for social inclusion at the local level, the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance IPA Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007-2013.